LiaChan Industry Ltd.

2022 Changing of LiaChan The Uniform

The virus drops huge impact on many business in Taiwan.
However, manufacturing industry is benefited from the “Lockdown Policy” in China.
Orders & lots demands starts coming to Taiwan, which also provides Liangchan more expectations toward future.

In the past, our work clothes for employees are mainly second-handed or shabby clothes, which seems very unprofessional.
In order to enhance both factory image& worker safety, Liangchan starts to design our own uniform from August, 2021, and it finally came out in October.
The four main ideas for it are “Breathable”, “high resolution”, “Durable”, “Simple and stylish”
We hope workers can wear clean clothes, work in a safe area, and at the meantime, make a more professional impression.

We presented our LOGO in Orange for 3 reasons.
First, Orange is a symbol of heath & happiness in Chinese community, that’s also the faith that Liangchan’s owner always keeping along the way.
Second is that according to color psychology, orange gives an impression of confidence, activity, positive& optimistic, that’s what Liangchan continue to pursue and looking forward to bring to our customers.
The last and the most important is orange has better visibility than other colors , especially in night time, which provides better security on driving & walking.
So, we can ensure more safety for our workers when they’re on their way home & to work.